Past Issues:
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Happy New Year and welcome to the St. Martin's Prime Timers Web Page! We meet each Sunday in the Payne Education Center from 10:10am to 10:50 in rooms 207-209. You are invited to join us during this wonderful time of year at St. Martins. Many thanks to Maud Ella (c) and Rick Hartley for hosting the Prime Timers Christmas Party at their beautiful home. You can also see Jackie Rose at top, Sandy Wilkens (l) and Caroline Maryan, in back. Scene from the party. See if you can name all the Prime Timers! Announcements A lot will be happening at St. Martin's this month and we hope you will be part of it. Our lesson plan has readings for each week during this season, although we will only be meeting formally on the 18th of the month. Never fear, the bible readings will be posted here each Monday afternoon, even if there won't be a class on Sunday. Our mentor, the Rev. Rusty Goldsmith, is moving on and will be leaving St. Martin's at the end of the month. We extend our best wishes to Rusty in his journey. The Fellowship of the Chicken! Sandy Williams reported that her son, on his way to SMU, will be home for the holidays. Teacher Skip Maryan gave Sandy a by on the $1 contribution to our chicken for this news. Skip has teenaged children... Hope for those who suffer Our reading today comes from the books of Isaiah and Luke. Isaiah was born around 720 BC and is the prophet most quoted by Jesus. Part of the gospel of Isaiah is that of a history, while another part is Isaiah the prophet. He chronicles an attack on the Northern Kingdom by the Assyrians, as well as a failed attack on Jerusalem. As a prophet he foretells the fall of Jerusalem and the Diaspora of the Jewish people. In Isaiah 42 we hear the lament of the suffering servant, and the concern of many years of biblical study. Jewish people feel the servant is Israel, while Christians feel is Jesus. The reading from Luke is called the Magnificat, from the opening words of Mary's song in Latin, "Magnificat anima mea, Dominum". The next time we will meet Mary is in Bethlehem at the birth of Jesus. Skip then concluded our year with the healing prayer and a benediction. Prime Timers Contact names and numbers Mentor The Rev. Maurice
L. "Rusty" Goldsmith. D.D. Leader
713/523-6933 H
713/974-1490 H
Outreach (inviting and welcoming new
832/251-8868 H
Catey Carter
Elizabeth Sleeper Max Kech 713/802-0690 H Marty Smith - Communications and Web Page
713/464-6737 H
Today's photos are from the Prime Timers Christmas Party, hosted by Maud Ella and Rick Hartley. Above is our Carol Master George Mims and his wife Leslie. All of the photos today are "clickable". If you want to see a larger version of a photo, click on it! Click again to return to this page. It wouldn't be a Prime Timers party without one of Dr. Bill Moore's wacky hats! At left is our leader, Jackie Rose. Prime Timer carolers, l to r Carol Chaney, Louise Huck, George Laigle, Craig and Donna Loomis. Prime Timer carolers on the couch, l to r, Melissa Grant, Elizabeth and Lockert Sleeper, Elizabeth Laigle and Catey Carter. Caroline Maryan, caroler! The Lesson for Sunday, January 8th is titled "Everyone Needs Prayer" Key Verse: 1 Timothy 2:1 Focus of the Lesson: Everyone stands in need of prayer. Why should we pray for the needs of others? In his letter, Paul says this kind of intercessory prayer is right and acceptable to God. The reading is 1 Timothy 2:1-8. This text is from the New International Version®. 1 I urge, then, first
of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made
for everyone— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may
live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3
This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all men to
be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is
one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6
who gave himself as a ransom for all men—the testimony given in its
proper time. 7 And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and
an apostle—I am telling the truth, I am not lying—and a teacher of the
true faith to the Gentiles. | |||
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St. Martin's Episcopal Church 717 Sage Road | Houston, Texas 77056-2199 | (713) 621-3040 | (713) 622-5701 Fax |