You are invited to join us on a spiritual adventure!
Prime Timers is a St. Martin's Adult Bible Fellowship (A.B.F.) geared towards people in the Prime of Life, ages 50-64. We meet in the Payne Education Center in rooms 207-209 from 10:15am to 10:50. Our course this year is authored by the United Council of Churches, our current quarter is a unit titled Images of Christ.
Come on in to St. Martin's Adult Bible Fellowships! Its cool inside!
You can't do better than our reading in July, from the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John! If you can't wait, the reading for next week is at the bottom of this page!
Every week Prime Timers begins by hearing from our members. Lynn gave thanks for the Prime Timer Teachers, currently Ben Welmaker and Donn Fullenweider. The she praised the firefighters in California, battling the wildfires. Finally she thanked God for her daughter, who is off to California for training preceding her trip to Budapest, where she will teach English and do missionary work for a year.
Martin thanked God for his family, just returning from his Family Reunion at Spring Mill State Park in Indiana. The family was great but the trip was beset by minor glitches, perhaps summed up by an eight hour delay at Indianapolis airport waiting for a thunderstorm delayed plane from Newark.
Christ as Servant
Ben Welmaker taught class today exploring the reading from John where Jesus washes the feet of his disciples. The key verse in the reading is John 13:15 where Jesus says "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." This passage brings up the rich subject of leadership, and what makes for a good leader. Ben used Steven Pressfield's book "Virtues of War" about Alexander the Great as an example of leadership at an extraordinary level. "Fame imperishable and glory that will never die: that is what we march for!" Another book Ben cited is William Manchesters book on Douglas MacArthur "American Caesar" MacArthur served in World War I and II and the Korean War, often at the "point", the forward position of the attack. MacArthur was larger than life and inspired a fanatical following. "My first recollection," Douglas MacArthur was fond of saying, "is that of a bugle call."Ben concluded class with a prayer.
The Lesson for Sunday,
July 27th is "Christ as Messiah"
Key Verse: Matthew 16:15
Focus of the Lesson: We come to know people not by
what others say about them but by a personal relationship with them. How
well do we ever really know somebody? Peter's confession of Jesus was a
milestone in his understanding of Jesus as the Messiah.
The reading is Matthew 16:13-23. This text is from the
New International Version. (NIV)
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