Past Issues:
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Welcome to the St. Martin's Prime Timers A.B.F. Web Page! We are beginning an exploration of the Old Testament and you are welcome to join us in the Payne Education Center, rooms 207-209. We meet each Sunday in between the 9am and 11am services from 10:10am to 10:50. Coffee and snacks and this week the Book of Exodus are waiting for you.
Pete Seale is one of the four Prime Timer teachers. This week he guided us through God's covenant with Abraham. Prime Timers Good News Henny Penny, the Prime Timers chicken asks for a contribution of $1 and the floor is yours to tell us your good news. George Laigle was happy to report that it finally rained at his place in the country. This season was rough regarding rain for many places in Texas and George's farm is no exception. Max Kech brought news that the Rusk Elementary School reading program is starting up for the fall season and so far is a wonderful success! If you would like to volunteer like Max, or find out more, click here. You could also contact Max at her number or email address, listed below. Trusting Promises Pete Seale began teaching at the Prime Timers this week, and what a biblical event he got to teach about! No less than thirteen covenants from God to Abraham. This is the story of God giving Abraham and his wife Sarah both their names and their future, promising that he would be (Genesis 17:5) "a father of many nations" with many kings coming from him. His son Ishmael will be the father of twelve rulers (Genesis 17:20) but a new son, Isaac will be born and God will establish his eternal covenant with him. Pete asked what would you do if God came to you with such an announcement! How difficult would it be to trust a promise that is so fantastic, so out of our normal realm? He then gave us a list of characteristics to deal with the situation:
God in this case is making a radical gesture, and it requires faithfulness from Abraham to accept the covenant. Left out of our reading was the section on circumcision (Genesis 17:9-14). This is an outward manifestation of accepting the covenant with God, although Pete read the passage from Romans 2:28-29 "A man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. 29No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a man's praise is not from men, but from God." He also reminded us that it is way before the time of Jesus. Also Colossians 3:11 Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all. In Galatians 4:21-31 we have the story or Sarah and Hagar, the former a free woman and the latter a slave woman. The children of Hagar are to be slaves, while the children of Sarah are born of a promise. Pete concluded reminding us of Matthew 7:13 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it." Abrahams faith was a total faith. Pete then dismissed the class. Mentor Rev. B. Massey Gentry Richard Cruse Chris Hershberger Pete Seale
Ben Welmaker Outreach (inviting and welcoming new members)
832/251-8868 H
Catey Carter
Elizabeth Sleeper Max Kech 713/802-0690 H Marty Smith - Communications and Web Page
713/464-6737 H
Yes it finally rained at George Laigle's (l) ranch! He's the one throwing up his hands.
Max Kech tells us the St. Martins reading program at Rusk Elementary School is a wonderful success! Abraham, Sarah and the Angel. By Jan Provost, oil on wood, at the Musée du Louvre, Paris. Hagar and the Angel, by Giovanni Battista Spinelli. Oil on canvas, private collection. The Lesson for Sunday, September 17th is titled "Being Mutually Responsible" Key Verse: Exodus 24:3 Focus of the Lesson: Healthy, successful relationships depend on mutual commitment and responsibility. What does it mean to bear mutual responsibility for one another? God's promise in this text called for commitment and respect on both sides: If the people would honor God through obedience, God would treasure the people and set them apart. The reading is Exodus 19:1-6; 24:3-8. This text is from the New International Version®. 1In the third
month after the Israelites left Egypt—on the very day—they came to the
Desert of Sinai. 2After they set out from Rephidim, they
entered the Desert of Sinai, and Israel camped there in the desert in
front of the mountain. Exodus 24:3-8 3When Moses
went and told the people all the LORD's words and laws, they responded
with one voice, "Everything the LORD has said we will do." 4Moses
then wrote down everything the LORD had said. | |||
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St. Martin's Episcopal Church 717 Sage Road | Houston, Texas 77056-2199 | (713) 621-3040 | (713) 622-5701 Fax |